Passion to profit for practitioners
Earn more money doing the work you love!
The UK’s #1 Business Growth Experts for Health Practitioners!
If you would like more clients walking through your door, claim your free professional networking success checklist.
Watch this video to learn more!
What do you get in your free gift
How to Network
If you’re scared about networking and talking to a room of strangers, or if you have tried networking before and think it doesn’t work for practitioners, this is the ‘Cheat Sheet’ that will 10x your networking returns
Where to Network
If you have no idea where to go to network then this Top 50 places to speak and network in order to get clients will help you narrow down your options and connect with a network that works for you.

What do you learn in Chris & Karene’s networking success check list
How to get clients through word of mouth marketing
How to generate a sustainable referral network
How to 10x your networking investment
How to ‘work a room’ and still be natural
The 3 Key phases of networking and what to do to maximise your results in each phase
Let us speed things up for you by giving you the 50 top places to network and generate clients
This means that you’ll know what to do and also where to do it to ensure you have the best possible chance of generating more clients through networking
Building a successful practitioner business means being able to consistently generate new clients while successfully serving your existing clients.
You’re probably already great at serving your existing clients, yes? So how would you like to learn how to get more new clients walking through your door?
What are the best ways for us practitioners to get more clients?
Well most people nowadays say: Get Online! Write a blog! Do Social Media!
How’s that working for you?
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re not getting quite the return you want from your efforts online
That doesn’t mean digital marketing doesn’t work. However, it’s about using it at the right time in your business.
The hidden truth (that not many people will tell you) is that the quickest way for most practitioners to get new clients is OFFLINE!
So if you want more clients now, get offline and start talking to more people!
Why is this not well known?
Because it’s much more exciting to talk about computers, social media, databases, click rates, conversation rates and all these other buzz words…..yet this totally ignores the fact that most of us practitioners are good with people, not computers!
Offline marketing simply means word of mouth marketing, which is how most of us get our clients anyway.
What are the top 2 ways to increase our word-of mouth new clients?
- Referrals from your existing clients
- Networking
Referrals from your existing clients is something you’re probably already receiving.
How about networking?
Most of us tend to struggle to make networking work for them. And for some people, the idea of going into a room of strangers and taking about yourself is just plain scary!
Yet Chris and Karene maintain that networking is the second fastest way to get more clients and that practitioners should aim for a 10x return on their networking investment!
How does that sound?
Would you like to feel confident networking and generating new clients?
How about being able to describe what you do more effectively so people make more referrals to you
Chris and Karene, the UK’s #1 Business Growth Experts for Health Practitioners, would like to share their Networking Success Check List with you so you can get more clients walking through your door.
What networking actually is and why ALL practitioners need to do it
How to get clear on the outcome you want to create
The #1 missing mindset that stops most people from creating success when they network
The 3 phases to successful networking
How to prepare for networking and the importance of setting intentions
How to navigate the Networking Room
The reason to follow up and how to do it

As a health practitioner, your heart-centered values are vitally important. Your authentic message is YOU and is what will help you impact your world.
By teaching you to network effectively and helping you reach more people, you’ll make a bigger difference in more lives!
Chris and Karene want more successful heart centered practitioners in the world making a bigger difference. By giving you the networking strategies they have used so successfully to build two of their six-figure businesses, they are hoping they can start your success journey today and open the door to perhaps partnering with you longer term to create even greater success.

Chris, Jill Fielding and Karene
Learning with our Mentor and Business Partner, Jill Fielding, from Channel 4’s ‘Secret Millionaire
Jim Francis and Chris
Spending time with one of my clients, the amazing Sales Trainer, Jim Francis at the Legacy Elite Gala Dinner
Chris and Kevin Harrington
Hanging out with Kevin Harrington, the Original Shark from the TV show ‘Shark Tank’, at Kane and Alessia Minkus’s Wedding in Rome
Chris, Sharon Lechter and Karene
Nominated for an Award alongside Sharon Lechter, Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, at the 2017 Best You Awards
Make a bigger difference in the world!
Network more Effectively and Get More Clients!
Chris & Karene Lambert-Gorwyn | UK’s #1 Business Growth Experts for Health Practitioners

Karene and I have learnt that if you want to change the world and bring better healthcare to more people, you need a stronger base from which you can reach out!
For this you need a better business, one that can allow you to grow, prosper and reach as many people as possible with your unique vision and skills for better health!
This is why we founded Passion to Profit for Practitioners.
Teaching healthcare practitioners everywhere how to build a better business so they can make a bigger difference!

Would you like more clients?

What is Passion to Profit for Practitioners?
Chris & Karene have built a unique Practitioner Business Training Platform called the Passion to Profit for Practitioners
This is where they teach the 5 Step Practitioner Success System that helped Chris triple his income in just 6 weeks and create a six-figure practice by growing over 650% in under a year!
Feedback from some of Chris and Karene’s Students
Who are Chris and Karene? Why should we listen to them?
Unique in the Coaching Industry, Chris & Karene have combined their talents and different business perspectives to give you the best Practitioner Business Training on the market today, Passion to Profit for Practitioners.
Combining Chris’ unique knowledge as one of the UK’s most successful Practitioners, with Karene’s tried-and-tested Financial and Business Systems learned in her years as an outstanding Management Consultant, Passion to Profit for Practitioners is THE training for you if you want success!

Let Chris and Karene, the UK’s #1 Business Growth Experts for Health Practitioners, show you how to attract your ideal clients and build a six-figure practice

Meet Chris
Chris has always been involved in health and fitness. As a child he was a competitive swimmer and keen sportsman. Then aged 16, he got cancer and underwent 6 months of intensive medical treatment. As traumatic as this experience was, Chris credits cancer as one of the best things that has ever happened to him. It was the experience of cancer that awoke his passion to understand how the body works and to help people transform their health.
Unwilling to wait, he went straight from school to complete a degree in Osteopathic Medicine and started a two-decade journey into creating his own unique treatment system. Years of study combined with successfully working with thousands of clients culminated in Chris creating the Lambert-Gorwyn Method, a unique whole-body 3 Step Treatment System focused on creating permanent transformations in people’s health. Specifically designed to help women with long term low back pain, Chris has worked with thousands of clients in London, San Francisco and Sydney who have successfully resolved their pain and achieved a lifestyle they never believed possible.
It was when his daughter was born Chris realized that despite his expertise, he had no idea how to financially support a family. This spurred him to get help and he engaged some of the best business coaches and mentors in the world to teach him how to succeed. 12 months later Chris had built a six-figure practice and won the Elite Legacy Business Award for Profit for increasing his clinic income over 650%.
It was this success that This was when he realized he needed to share what he’d learned with other practitioners and with Karene, they created Passion to Profit for Practitioners and have taught over 1000 practitioners how to build their own six-figure practices.

Meet Karene
Karene is a Mumpreneur, Coach and successful Property Investor with a multi-million pound portfolio.
Previously a highly paid Management Consultant in Australia and Singapore as well as the UK and Europe, she changed careers to have more time, better relationships and financial freedom. After engaging world-class business and property mentors, Karene created a £2m+ property portfolio in under a year and alongside launching her own Property Coaching Business, she helped Chris create the Passion to Profit for Practitioners Success Formula.
Karene is a firm believer that we create our own reality!
She credits her stellar financial and business success to finding the right mentors combined with stepping outside of her comfort zone and taking massive action!
With her years of corporate experience focused on saving companies money through efficiency structures and effective systems, Karene brings that knowledge and experience to the Practitioner world and created the systems and processes needed to help expert health practitioners build a six-figure practice and then scale it to seven-figures.
Chris and Karene live in Central London with their daughter Mya where they balance their exciting careers around being present and committed parents..
Our Charity focus
Alongside running his successful businesses, Chris is a Trustee and proud supporter of the Charity Teens Unite Fighting Cancer.
Teens Unite is a unique charity in that not only does it provide support to teens and young adults suffering from cancer, it focuses on helping them thrive and continue with their lives once the cancer has gone.
Having had cancer himself as a teenager, Chris knows first-hand what a traumatic experience the teens are going through. However, traumatic as it was for him, Chris maintains that cancer is one of the best things that has ever happened to him as it has shaped and directed his entire career to lead him to be the success he enjoys today
Chris joined Teens Unite to help other teens and young adults transform their cancer experience into something positive. He is committed to supporting both the amazing charity staff as well as the teens themselves.
To learn more about this amazing charity, please visit http://www.teensunitefightingcancer.org

Passion to Profit for Practitioners is specifically designed for Practitioners by one of the UK’s leading Practitioners
If you’re passionate about helping people, committed to making a difference, and if you’re working too hard for too little, this is THE training for you.
Chris and Karene will hold your hand as they teach you the tips, strategies and actions that have made them the UK’s #1 Business Growth Experts for Health Practitioners.